Saturday, 16 February 2008

All alone... Hell yeah!

My first weekend by myself was actually pretty cool. I got to move into the big bedroom with the balcony and HUGE shower head (unfortunately not detachable ;-)), got to beat my colleagues plus hanger-ons in poker (full house, m'dear), and spent all of Sunday re-reading my favourite bits from Robin Hobb's gloriously unevern Tawny Man trilogy (ie entire first book, most of the second and about 3 pages from the third).

It was strange but I really did miss Jack despite all of that - I suppose you get used to another presence in the place and he was a sweetheart. And with someone else in the house, there's always the possibility of going out or doing something which I missed on Friday night. That said, I found it rather weird sharing with a guy - especially someone who is married and whom I work with: for example, I have to keep remembering that my nightie is actually pretty clingy and probably not the best thing to lounge around the house in, and that I can't just start lifting my dress to spray repellant on my legs in the sitting room (though, in terms of the last, I think the smell of strong DEET would put most people off...).

Saturday night poker was fun but really don't think I have much in common with most of the people there - far too normal and not weird, geekish or quirky enough for my taste. They were all perfectly nice though and probably thought me a complete bore which, to be fair, I really was. One of the benefits of growing older is just accepting yourself as you are and not being arsed enough to care what others think about you. Unfortunately, those periods do tend to alternate rather frequently with flashes of "Omigod - will they like me? Am I cool enough? I can't believe I did that - what an idiot!!". OK, to be honest, a mite longer than the term flashes would imply but hey, I'm trying here. Cool, don't give a shit - that's me.

Work-wise, there's a huge amount to do in a small space of time but it's actually OK. My team is much better than I really deserve and the CD is really easy going. I can see that I'll probably mess up at some point but I'm hoping it won't be too bad when viewed with all the fantastic things I'm going to put in place. Ahem. I'm not entirely sure how I'm going to fit everything in as I'm new enough that things still take me 3 times as long as they should but it'll happen - it usually somehow does...

Just a final note: I LOVE my ebook-reader - worth every penny of the ridiculous amount of money I paid for it (well, not really, but it was my 78th christmas present to myself). It's uncanny - it's got this magic techno thing with makes reading it like reading a page from a real book, except you have to press a button to turn the page and you can change the size of the font whenever you want. And you can carry hundreds of books with you in your handbag. I love progress.

Right - 9pm. Need to write some performance objectives for the next 6 mths. Hmmnnn - how about not fucking up too badly. I wonder how I can make that SMART...

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