As per the course when any emergency happens in a development context, donors are throwing money at us. At present, it looks like we could be getting up to an additional €1m in additional funding. On the one hand, it is fantastic news. On the other, my staff are already over-stretched especially with the extra tasks I've given them to do - and huge projects such as these will be would stretch them even further... Oh well, something to worry about once we actually get the funding.
Work is promising to be a complete nightmare until I get to Cuba end of June - especially since my Head Accountant, on whom I rely on heavily, will be in the States for the next 6 weeks due to his wife's pregnancy. Stupid me, I encouraged him to take an extra week so that he would not have to leave so soon after his wife's planned c-section. Don't know what I was thinking - must have been the heat. Bugger consideration and all that crap, need to be more of a bitch in the future. Yep - watch out world for Bitch Boss. Hmmnn - that has a definite ring to it...
However, I'm thinking seriously of just saying to the hell with it and taking a long weekend in New York early May. Absolutely do not have the time for it given everything that needs to be done but seriously thinking that I need it. It's strange how, when you're stressed, a part of you can know it but that still doesn't stop yourself from losing perspective. That happened to me on Friday morning when I lost a document that I'd stayed up ridiculously late the previous night working on. It wasn't a huge deal by itself but added to everything else, I was almost crying in frustration. It was a very good thing that I discovered this very early in the morning and no one else was in the office at the time. Also, that I walked back home to check if it was on my personal laptop (it wasn't) which got me to calm down. I knew objectively that what I feeling was stress-induced and that it was out of all proportion to the event, but I was still fucking pissed off. In the end, it turned out that it wasn't actually strictly necessary. So a lesson for the future.
Oh screw it. Retail therapy, here I come - especially with the Euro being as strong as it is. The work will sort itself out somehow.
Less work related, my dancing lessons are going well. Had my third lesson this morning at our usual place in this dance hall called "Aux Carabasse" in town. Really feel like I can at least grasp the basics of Salsa and cha cha cha, and am really starting to like my tutor, despite initial reservations (he's kind of a bit short...). Thinking though that he's really spoiling me for others as he's such a good leader, which is unlikely to be the case with most other partners. But hey, I just love it when he just throws me into those intricate steps and then I successfully make it back to "base position". Still need to work on wiggling those hips, though. Not to mention dancing the konpa: this looks deceptively easy (just a basic two-step) but then dancers often stop moving altogether and just grind their pelvises together rhymically for a large portion of the set. Yep, it looks like basic screwing on the dance floor. But trust me, a lot more difficult to do than it looks - no matter how I tried, I couldn't get the movement and rhythm right. Maybe that says something about my skills in another area. Ahem.
In other news, a couple of my good friends got married yesterday. To each other. All the best to you Katherine and Steve, and so so sorry I can't be there to blubber nosily in the front row (as I would inevitably do). In honour of this romantic occasion, here's a favourite pic from the wonderful "cute overload" website: