Thursday, 10 April 2008

9th April - The President speaks...

The President had spoken and said ... well, not much really. Commiserated with the protestors, appealed for stability and calm, announced some subsidies against the cost of living, and refused to lower taxes against imported goods. Basically, nothing that would actually help the immediate situation - and the fact that it took a week (plus an attack on the palace) to come up with this is ridiculous.

It’s now evening and things seem pretty calm – haven’t seen any smoke or heard any gunfire for most of the afternoon so I’m hoping things have stabilised. However, we’re still under curfew until further notice. And even if things are calm, given that there are barricades and debris on the major roads and that most of the staff use public transport (which is not currently running) to get to work – I can’t see that things will return to normal for at least the rest of the week.

Today’s been a complete write-off – have managed to do very little work. The motivation just isn’t there despite the huge amounts to do. In some ways, I hope that I am stuck at home tomorrow again to really get to grips with all the stuff that I don’t actually need the server. Of which there are plenty. But then I’ll probably end up doing nothing then as well.

Anyway, sounds like the international media has finally caught up with the news in Haiti although most of them seem to file it along with the various other food riots that have been happening all over the world recently. This, however, is a vid that I found on the BBC website:

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