Monday, 28 July 2008

Another week....

Grumpy this morning.

Woke up on the wrong side of the bed despite going home early (ish) last night from a Konpa festival. Festival was fantastic and was really impressed about how well it was staged - reminded me of those August weekend festivals in Hyde Park where you can sit around with a bunch of mates and listen to great music on a sunny day. [sigh] Getting a bit homesick...

It's 6.56am on a morning morning and am just about to face a nightmarish couple of weeks at work with budget revisions having to be done before our Country Director goes off on leave for a whole month at the end of the week, and quarterly reporting needing to be done before next Wednesday. Not to mention donor reporting also due at the end of this week. Ugh.

Just need to get through the next 2 weeks and then I have 5 lovely days in New York in which to totally indulge myself. Really couldn't afford to with the huge amount of money I spent last month on Cuba but what the hell. At the moment, having one of those jobs with a complete lack of responsibility where you clock in at 9am and clock out at 5pm sounds like heaven - what the hell did I have against them?

Anyway, [deep breath] better fact the music...

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