Saturday, 20 December 2008

I wanna go back to the Caribbean...

I've now been back in London for just over 12 hours and it's already pissing me off. Most of this is because it's BLOODY FREEZING. I'd almost forgotten what being cold feels like and really didn't need the reminder. I'd also gone home finding out that the central heating had broken dowm some time ago and my lovely former flatmate hadn't bothered to get it fixed.

Not a great start. I HATE being cold.

This feels like a complete reversal from the last time I was back which was for a mere 36 hours where everything about London was amazing - even the things that used to irritate me. Now, they're back to irritating me.

I need sleep, I think. Due to budgets and year end and packing, I haven't really had a proper night's sleep since last weekend and feeling crabby as a result.

Shopping tomorrow. Last weekend before Xmas? Hmmnnn...

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