Well, it's been over a year since I last blogged and it's been an "interesting" one, in the Chinese sense of the word. I'll probably write more about Haiti at some point: I'm sure it'll be good for me - a carthatic experience and all that - but quite frankly, I can't get it straight in my head, even months on. I no longer have nightmares or panic attacks or feel as emotionally fragile as I once did, but I still feel a long way from being able to comprehend what has happened. I'm not sure if I ever will. And I can't even begin to think about Ann or Jan, and the thousands of other victims that I'm connected to via friends or colleagues. And I can't allow myself to think about the future of Haiti, what has changed and what it's become.
To be honest, the only real reason I'm restarting at this very moment is simple pure procrastination: I've just spent the last two weeks during a systems review of the operation here in Pakistan and I've now got to write the stupid report on it. Surprisingly enough, I really enjoyed the actual fieldwork element of it - talking to staff, looking at their systems in place, visiting their partners (we do all our implementation here through partners). It made me realise that I actually do know what I'm talking about and am pretty good at my job - something which is pretty easy to forget after two months' off. However, I've now got a whole list of points (in excel, of course) that I need to then convert to a professional sounding report. THIS is by far the dullest part of the job - I absolutely hate writing reports. Plus I have no real deadline apart from wanting to get this over and done with (and be paid ;-)) as soon as possible.
Anyway, I have now kick-started this blog and changed the template, so am running out of excuses to not get on with it. Let's see how long it lasts this time!
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