Tuesday, 22 January 2008

20th Jan - I hate Miami

OK, so I had less than 24 hours here – all of which was spent either asleep or at the Dolphin Mall or at Miami International Airport (or “Hell” as I like to call it). But, even so, from what little I’ve seen of the place, I hate it. The whole place feels like a Latino LA (even more so – absolutely no one seems to speak English) with all the highways and concrete consumerism of that place without the benefit of The Body Beautiful. Why anyone would want to live here, I have no idea. And the taxi driver, in a mistaken attempt to talk up his city, went on and on about Miami as basically a huge resort city where all anyone ever does is party and go to the beach. Certainly, there looks like nothing better to do...

Think I’ll be doing my shopping trips in NY...

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