This is a picture of the carnival in Jacmel that I didn't make it down for. Yep, I know - why the hell am I even bothering to put it on my blog. My answer is to whet my appetite for THE carnival next week - a five day affair over a weekend and, count them people... THREE public holidays. Can you imagine Britain annoucing public holidays for a huge party? Thinking about it, that fact just about probably sums up the difference between Old Blighty and the Caribbean... Judging by the loud party music that been blaring out every night over the last couple of weeks, the whole country is building up to one massive hangover on the 7th February. [And before I get irate emails, yes I know that carnival in Haiti is a lot more than a huge party and has a great deal of spiritual, religious and cultural overtones to it. But still, can't deny that a lot of fun is also being had...]
Work is pretty stressful at the moment as we're submitting both the quarterly report to Dublin AND year end stuff. God knows what I would have done sans Jack... As things are, I'm hardly helping matters with my incessant questions but Jack's been much more patient than I would have been in his position. It sounds strange but I'm looking forward to carnival more for the quiet time in the office with Jack to really thoroughly go through stuff. Will, however, make it for the first and last days so expect plenty of pics.
My great news for the day is that I now have internet connection at home!! OK, it's crappy and expensive - there are few land lines here so it's all via satallite but it works: just don't expect to hear from me much during the hurrican season... One of the first things I did was chat via skype to my cousin and his parents who have just arrived in London to take up residence in my room for 6 months (my cousin, not his parents). I even managed to see them on webcam! Have to say that I felt incredibly emotional seeing them and just realising how much I missed my family. It's crazy as it's only been a month since I 'd seen them but distance yadda yadda yadda. Or maybe it was the glimpse of my beloved room that I saw...
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