Thursday, 3 January 2008

Deje mon, gin mon...

Relaunching my blog prior to my imminent departure to Dublin, then Haiti. Imminent in the sense that I have just under 4 days left to prepare (ie pack, throw stuff out, sort out admin, file taxes...) and have obviously decided that my blog, which has languished unlamented for the best part of 6 months, required an immediate facelift.

New Year's resolution 1: Stop procrasinating and start with the tasks that you hate in both your personal and professional lives.

New Year's resolution 2: Make a success of the blogging thing because that's what people (and the tax authorities) care about. Blog small but blog often.


Anyway, to put myself more in the mood, here's a cute pic of a cute Haitian. Not in that way, you sick bastards...

BTW, the title is a Haitian proverb: "Beyond mountains, there are more mountains" ie solve one problem, and another comes along. Kind of what I'm feeling at the mo.

Right, need to take a crack at that "to do" list. Only 12 hours behind.

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