Wednesday, 16 January 2008

Four days to go...

Haven't been blogging recently as it's been rather manic. Basically got absolutely no sleep over the weekend as spent most of it frantically packing. I'm now taking 75kg and 3 bags if that gives you any indication of how terrible I am at packing. Anyway, will only have about 6 hrs Friday night/Saturday morning to shift stuff between bags and do some last minute panicking/tidy up before my flight. Will be 6 hrs from hell - definitely not looking forward to it. It'll almost be a relief to get on the plane as that would be it. Finis. The End.

The bright spot of my weekend, though, was having a fantastic pub lunch with a couple of friends. It was obviously great to see my friends but have to admit (sorry Emma, Sarah) that the actual highlight of the lunch was the sticky toffee pudding. Nothing against my friends (both of whom I've known for 16 years and would cheerfully walk through a burning building for) but simply put, they got nothing on this:

Aside from indulging in culinary heaven, also took time out to grab some last photos of my local haunts:

Have been getting really nostalgic and teary about London over the last few weeks. I remember when I was working there, I found it all (the commuting , the pubs, the tube, the weather, the traffic, the complete London-centric self-absorbtion) so so depressing and couldn't wait to leave. Now, it's endearing and comfortably familiar. I grew up here, have friends here, I know all the places to go, I know the rules, I love the complete anonymity of it - I am, afterall, a Londoner born and bred. Kept thinking what the hell I was thinking to leave it all and gho off to a place where I know no one, have no ties, don't speak the language, don't understand the politics/social life, and will always always be a stranger. God, I must be out of my mind...
However, if I stayed in London, can't see my rose spectacles lasting the winter.
On a more cheerful note, the general induction this week is very light with people just basically talking at us with very little demanded from us. Have, however, misplaced my notes from last week somewhere which is rather worrying...

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